The chances of Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy’s new Manhattan digs ever being full are very unlikely. Why? Because with five bedrooms spread among 8,000 square feet, the Turtle Bay Garden home has enough space for the newly engaged couple, her fashion empire, and then some. Purchased for $13.5 million (a bargain considering its asking price of $16.5 million), the lavish grounds boast a garden promenade, hall of mirrors, private elevator, and oh yes, a rooftop pool. Sure, it’s a little over-the-top, but considering its prestigious homeowners, it only seems right .

(image and source from: casasugar / original image from: Douglas Ellman)

  • mary kate olsen
  • olivier sarkozy
  • mary kate and olivier
  • celebrity homes
  • ny apartment
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    Sooo….. When can Tyler and I come over? Maybe a rooftop pool party? Eh??
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