Banksy Masterpieces Reimagined in Lego Form

We love LEGO. And we love Banksy. So what happens when you put these two together? As photographer Jeff Freisen has shown, the answer is a whole lot of awesome.

Frisen reimagines Banksy’s world-renowned images by giving them the minimal look of Lego bricks. Fans can chuckle through more of Freisen's Bricksy collection by visiting his website, A Brick Fantastic, or Instagram.

1. Balloon Girl

“There is always hope. Especially if you tie it to your wrist.”


2. Paleo Diet

“Follow your instincts: devour sugar, carbs, and mystery meat whenever you come across them.”


3. Just Following Orders

The Royal Urban Stencil Regiment is a secret branch of the Queen’s Guard. Their ritual "nicking of the spray paint” is a rarely photographed ceremony in London hardware shops.


4. The Mother of Anarchy

Raising a well-presented anarchist has never been easier in these tumultuous times.


5. Haring Terrier

Keith Haring’s successes as a dog breeder are overshadowed by his achievements in the art world.


6. Hanging Around

Tightey-whiteys are not Frank’s first choice for public display. Perhaps parachute pants will be a better choice for next time.


7. Banana Pulp Fiction

Never bring a gun to a fruit fight.


8. Photo Opportunity

There’s got to be an angle of Big Ben the world hasn’t seen, though it’s not for lack of trying.


9. Bouquet Thrower

Strong-arm Flower Delivery specialises in tragically forbidden love.


10. Keep It Real

"Say yes to your inner monkey.”


11. Like A Rat On A Wire

Experts say that in London you are never less than 12 meters away from a tightrope-walking rat.


12. Kissing Coppers

The police are enthusiastic supporters of stop-and-frisk policies.


13. Old Skool

You never really know who your future self is going to be. It’s probably better that way.


13. Maid In London

“Secret Sweeper.”


Images from Jeff Friesen: The Brick Fantastic