Couchelo’s 5 favourite Easter DIY crafts from Country Living’s “29 Easy Easter Crafts”
You can create this dramatic display with just two 0.25-ounce vials of blue dye you may already have in the kitchen. Set out six 12-ounce glasses, labeled A through F. Add one cup of boiling water and two teaspoons of white vinegar to each and stir, using a separate spoon for each glass. Then, mix in the color as follows: A, two drops; B, six drops; C, 10 drops; D, 20 drops; E, 45 drops; F, 60 drops. Submerge a hard-boiled egg in each glass. Steep for five minutes, or until you’re happy with the hue, then remove and place in an empty egg carton to dry. Repeat with additional eggs (up to three dozen).

(image source: Alison Gootee/Studio D)
2. Get Creative with Easter Eggs
Who knew that silk fabric transfers onto eggshells as easily as the dye in a decorating kit? Regular old vinegar plus hot water does the trick.
Step 1: For each egg, cut out a 5-inch square of patterned 100 percent silk. (We limited ourselves to black-and-white prints to achieve the effect above; colored patterns yield more vibrant results.) Lightly dampen the fabric, then lay it flat, right side up, and place your egg in the center. Gather the fabric tightly around the egg, like a beggar’s purse, and secure with a rubber band. Repeat this step for the same egg, using a same-size square of plain white cotton and a second rubber band. Note: Use blown eggs if you’d like to keep your handiwork longer.
Step 2: Place eggs in a single layer in a nonreactive pot and add enough water to cover them by 2 inches. Add 4 tablespoons of white vinegar. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes.
Step 3: Remove eggs with tongs and cool about 20 minutes. Then unwrap the fabrics to reveal the exquisite designs.

(image source: Dana Gallagher)
3. Goody Bags for Spring Chickens
Step 1: Download and print the chick template. Cut as directed.
Step 2: Center the stencil on the front of a 31⁄2"W x 63⁄4"H white paper bag ($3.29 for 16; for stores). Use a pencil to trace the chick outline onto the bag.
Step 3: Slide a small piece of cardboard inside the bag to serve as a cutting mat. Cut out the chick outline
Step 4: Cut a 3"W x 4"H square of cellophane. Using a glue stick like Elmer’s All Purpose ($2.92;, apply a bit of glue to your finger and run it around the perimeter of the chick outline inside the bag. Slide the cellophane square into the bag and press to adhere.
Step 5: Fold the top of the bag over, then use a hole punch to make two evenly spaced holes in the folded paper. Fill the bag with candy; finish with a ribbon. Repeat for each bag.

(image source: Unknown)
4. Play it by Ear
To stitch up one of these kid-friendly accessories, you’ll need a child-size headband ($3.99; and 11⁄2 yards of 1⁄2-inch-wide double- fold bias tape. (For a range of prints, from $9.50 for three yards, visit
Step 1: Cut an 181⁄2- inch-long piece of bias tape. Hem the cut ends under 1⁄2 inch on each side, then stitch together the long side to form a casing. Fold the casing in half so that the ends touch and use a straight pin to mark the fold’s center.
Step 2: Feed an extra-thick, 12-inch-long pipe cleaner through one end of the casing, stopping at the pin. Feed a second pipe cleaner through the casing’s other end until it, too, meets the pin; remove pin. Bring the casing’s open ends toward each other and twist the exposed pipe cleaners together to form a rabbit ear shape. Repeat steps one and two to make a second ear.
Step 3: Cut a piece of bias tape the length of the headband, plus one extra inch. Wrap the tape over the headband, then use pins to mark the two spots where you want to attach the ears (use the photo at left for guidance).
Step 4: Remove the tape from the headband and stitch the long side together, from the pins out to both ends of the tape; stitch these ends closed, and remove pins. Twist the ears’ pipe-cleaner ends around the headband in the desired spots, then slide each end of the headband into the casing. Use a needle and thread to slip-stitch the tape around and between the ears closed.

(image source: Christian Peterson)
5. Vintage Floral Brunch Invitations
Invite friends to a spring luncheon. Make copies of a vintage floral greeting card and print the party details on the back. Then adorn each guest’s place setting with a flower wreath. Thread faux-silk blossoms onto florist’s wire, and secure at the ends to form a circle.