At Couchelo, we often find ourselves green with storage envy while browsing on interior design blogs, particularly at spaces that effortlessly incorporate meticulous organisation into interior design. We’ve collected our favourite storage solutions to help inspire you next time you’re thinking about buying another closet or box from Ikea:
1. Showcasing your closet

Instead of hiding your beautiful pieces away behind closed doors, why not make them the centerpiece of your bedroom? In an otherwise all white palette, the bright splashes of colour are refreshing on the eyes.

Put your best foot forward and opt for this shoe rack that doubles as wall art which will guarantee ooohs and aaahs from friends when they come over.
2. Ban kitchen chaos

We love how practical this kitchen setup is with all the utensils and pots and pans within easy reach. This is particularly great for small kitchens with little built in storage.

Having dinnerware permanently on display is a big commitment so be prepared to say no dirty dishes or mismatched sets. Try sticking with a colour scheme to keep things simple.
3. Bathrooms that doubles as art galleries

An otherwise unused piece of bathroom property is perfect place to put a vanity tray displaying your cosmetics. The flowers and photo add a wonderful personal touch too.
![Bathrooms that double as galleries]()
Open shelving means you can play around with patterns and colours for everyday items such as towels and soaps.
4. Organised offices and living spaces

Rather than having a heap of files or photo albums, try creating a collage for your office space. That way, you call look at your favourite images all at once.

Smart storage is building additional shelving above the TV and framing the TV with vases and flowers to create a warm and inviting space.
5. For the knick knacks

For storing random knick knacks, a stack of vintage suitcases makes for an interesting and stylish talking point.
![For knick knacks]()
Storing musical instruments can often be difficult and hanging them together up on a blank wall is a great way to exhibit your passion.
Text by Jessica Li. Images sourced from CasaSugar; Apartment Therapy; Indulgy; Sacramento Street; Shelterness and Deborah Wood Murphy.