5 Celebrity Homes We Love

1. Glee star Jayma Mays and actor Adam Campbell in the living room of their Los Angeles home. 


Click here for our post on Jayma May’s Los Angeles Home.

2. Mary Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy’s $13.5 million, 8000 square feet Turtle Bay Garden Home


Click here or image for our post on Mary Kate Olsen’s Home.

3. Jonathan Adler’s Kaleidoscopic New York Apartment


Click here or image for our post on Jonathan Adler’s Home.

4. Ellen Degeners and Portia De Rossi’s horse ranch home in Santa Monica Mountains.


Click here or image for our post on Ellen and Portia’s Home.

5. Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynold’s Ex Establishment. The Buff & Hensman designed “Wong House” was built in 1969 in the Los Feliz hills.


Click here or image for our post on Johansson and Reynold’s Home.

  • couchelo
  • ellen and portia
  • scarlett johansson
  • ryan reynolds
  • mary kate olsen
  • jonathan adler
  • jayma mays
  • glee
  • manhattan apartment
  • la homes
  • celebrity homes
  • interior design
  • ny apartment
  • buff & hensman
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